Hello! It’s David.  

My mission is to improve people’s lives by creating accessible & positive experiences. 🌞

I'm a product designer with industry and freelance experience and an academic background in UX design and web development. I’m passionate about creating experiences that improve the lives of others.

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My Values

Pursue life-long learning.

I view all experiences as learning opportunities, and am constantly growing from those around me. Stay curious, ask questions, and maintain an honest approach when learning.

Embrace the process.

Design is exciting because it’s a journey of continuous discovery where everyone’s input is valued. Collaborate and ask for input from others, and embrace all parts of the process.


Be human.

Kindness and empathy go a long way, and we should help one another when we can. Pursue an inclusive and respectful environment, and stay true to yourself and everyone else.

My Story (so far)

Design came to me during a hard time in my college career. I was a 2nd year CS student, but had doubts of what I wanted to do after college. Then, my family mentioned UX Design to me and the trajectory of my life changed. After graduating with a front-end degree, I completed an online UX specialization to fill in any knowledge gaps and set out for the work force. Since then, I’ve had experience freelancing as well as becoming a lead product designer for 2 different startups, and have also served as a design mentor for interns teaching practical design concepts and principles.

Just as I was helped in the past, I want to do so for others. Design empowers me to do this, since it is where technology meets people. Whether that be showing your understanding of someone through a thoughtful interface or making your designs accessible to all kinds of people, the basis of design is empathizing with others. As such, good design helps us understand our many differences and embraces them.

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